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The Marian Movement of Priests

“Through this Movement, I am calling all my children to consecrate themselves to my Heart, and to spread everywhere cenacles of prayer.” (473 i: May 13, 1992)

About the MMP Spirituality

Our Lady uses her Marian Movement of Priests (MMP) to explain the “signs of our times”

“You are … the victims of widespread sin … Every day you are being fed with the poisoned bread of evil and given to drink at the polluted spring of impurity. Evil is being proposed to you as something good, sin as a value, and transgression of the Law of God as a way of exercising your autonomy and your personal freedom.

And so you arrive at losing even the consciousness of sin as an evil, and injustice, hatred and impiety cover the earth and make of it an immense desert, deprived of life and love. The obstinate rejection of God and of return to Him, the loss of the true faith and the iniquity which is spreading and leading to the diffusion of evil and sin: these are the signs of the evil time through which you are living. But at the same time see in how many ways I am intervening to lead you along the road of conversion, of goodness and of faith.” (301 j-k: Dec 31, 1984)

“Caused by the rebellion against God, by this pride which comes solely from Satan, it is the flood of the denial of God and of atheism which truly threatens to seduce a great part of humanity … This spirit of pride and rebellion has likewise contaminated part of my Church … They now doubt everything.” (53 c-e: July 24, 1974)

She then leads us along the road of conversion

“All men redeemed by my Son are also my children … Even those who are far away, even the sinners, even the atheists, even those who reject God, those who fight against Him and hate Him: they are all my children.

And I am Mother to them. For many of them, I am the only Mother they have, the only person who is taking care of them, who truly loves them.

How to help them? How to save them?

I have need of much prayer; I have need of much suffering. Only through the prayer and the suffering of my other good and generous children, will I be able to save these children of mine. And so there is then the Movement of my priests.” (21 c-j: Oct 16, 1973)

Her Messages “Trace out a Way of Life”

“You must return today to simplicity, to humility, to the confidence of little children, in order to see God.(53 f: July 24, 1974)

In these years, as Mother, I have formed you through my messages …  My messages trace out, above all, a simple and luminous way which I have pointed out to you and upon which you should travel, each day, in order to live the consecration which you have made to me, to grow in my love and in life with me and to be ever more mature and prepared to carry out the task which I have shown you.

If any, after having consecrated themselves to me, have come to a halt, it is because they have no longer listened to, meditated upon, or lived my messages. Oh, after my triumph, these messages will be a light for the whole Church; then all that I have done for you during these years will be understood!

Meditate on my messages, and live them. If you live what I have shown you and travel the road which I have traced out for you, you will walk securely along the way of the consecration which you have made to me, and you will bring to fulfilment the great plan of the triumph of my Immaculate Heart.

Otherwise, you will be halted by doubts, discouragement, difficulties and the opposition which you will encounter. You will come to a halt and will not be ready to accomplish what I have arranged for you and which today is so necessary for the salvation of the world and the renewal of the Church, whose Mother I am.” (297 c-f: Nov 9, 1984)

Our Lady formed the MMP to gather together priests from all parts of the world in order to realise Her ‘Plan of Salvation’

“This poor, poor generation … is … so … corrupted by the Evil Spirit, who has risen up against God to repeat again his challenge: ‘Non serviam: I will not serve; I will not acknowledge God!’

My sons, how much you have need of the Mother! She alone can understand and help you. She alone can heal you. She alone can, by divine plan, snatch you from the hands of Satan and save you …

To realise my plan of salvation for all poor humanity, I am gathering together my priests from all parts of the world … They must be docile to my voice and respond, each and all, to the gentle invitation of my motherly Heart.

I who have triumphed over all errors and heresies, everywhere, will again, with the cohort of my beloved sons, triumph over the greatest error which history has ever known: the error of atheism which has now drawn away from my Son almost all humanity. (60 c-f: Oct 29, 1974)

And again …

“My victory over the Red Dragon has been foretold and over atheism which is triumphing and apparently victorious today. This victory will be obtained through the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world, and I will achieve this victory through the priests of my Movement.” (62 d: Nov 30, 1974)

And again …

By means of you, I want to restore to its splendour the work of creation, of redemption, and of sanctification, in such a way that the Most Holy Trinity will receive the greatest degree of glory.” (200 j: May 13, 1980)

The MMP is “Her Work”

“It is my great work of love and salvation: … which I am carrying out in every part of the world in these last times … which I am raising up everywhere for the triumph of my Imaculate Heart … which I myself am now carrying out, in order to gather from all sides the little remnant which will remain faithful to Jesus and to his Gospel, to the Pope and to the Church united with him … which I am accomplishing in a silent and hidden way …  which I am carrying out in every part of the world in order to conquer Satan … and which I am accomplishing to spread the truth in these times of great apostasy, to bring you to greater unity with the Pope in these days of division and of widespread rebellion, to lead you along the way of grace and holiness amidst the general spread of sin and impurity. 

It is my work, which I am carrying out by means of my Marian Movement of Priests…” (497 b-j: June 19, 1993) 

The MMP comprises “Her Faithful Cohort”, and She is the Leader of this army

The secret scheme, which in a hidden way I have been preparing for some time in order to realise my great plan, is now beginning to become visible: The Movement of my Priests, my cohort ready for the decisive battle and destined for victory.” (17 f: Sept. 23, 1973)

I myself will be the Leader of this army. I am now forming it as my own in silence and in hiddenness just as, for nine months, I formed Jesus in my womb, and for many years in silence and hiddenness I brought Him up day by day. I myself am now choosing the priests of the Movement and forming them according to the plan of my Immaculate Heart … They will make up the cohort of ‘my priests’ which I myself will nourish and form, preparing them for the approaching battles of the kingdom of God. (5 e,g: July 16, 1973)

Of the faithful who are supporters of my Movement … I ask … that they give themselves completely to me, so that I may dispose freely of their whole being and arrange their whole life according to my plans … (and that) they form about the priests my faithful cohort, my great ‘White Army‘. (25 h, i, q: Nov 1, 1973)

Her chosen cohort are being urged to be ready

− “To obey my orders, because I will soon call them, and they must be ready to respond, ready to be used by me for the ultimate defence of my Son, of me, of the Gospel and of the Church. They will be the salt in a world which is completely corrupt and a shining light in the darkness which will have enveloped everything.

− To fight, because my Adversary will set loose his army upon them, and he will pursue them with vehemence in a frightful battle. They will be ridiculed, despised, persecuted, and some will even be killed. But I will always be with them, and will protect and defend them, and will console them, wiping away every tear as only a Mother knows how.

− To defend the Pope, who is already so very much alone in carrying the cross of the Church; there will even be a time at which, like Jesus on the way to Calvary, he will be as though abandoned by everyone. Then these sons of mine will be his comfort and his defence, and together with me they will be victorious in the greatest battle of the Church.

For the present, my beloved sons, pray, love one another, be as little children. Let yourselves be formed and guided by me alone.” (17 h-o: Sept 23, 1973)

Her chosen cohort are being called to restore the face of God in the hearts of all her children

“…the Movement of my priests… is desired by me to make reparation for the immense harm caused in souls by atheism, to restore in so many desecrated hearts the image of God, the merciful countenance of my Son Jesus… My priests are my restorers; they will restore in so many souls the face of God, and thus they will bring back many of my children from death to life … 

I want it to be the Movement of my priests which will bring back the fragrance of purity to the world: for it is only on the billow of this perfume that my Son Jesus will once again become the King of hearts and of souls.” (21 j-u: Oct 16, 1973)

Her chosen cohort are being called to ‘live the Gospel of my Son Jesus to the letter’

“This then is your hour, the hour of the apostles of my Immaculate Heart. Spread courageously the Gospel of Jesus; defend the truth; love the Church; help all to flee sin and to live in the grace and the love of God. Pray; suffer; make reparation!…” (167 0-q: Jan 1, 1979)

“You, beloved sons of your heavenly Mother, you, the apostles of my Immaculate Heart, are being called today for this purpose: to fight by word and example that the truth may be more and more accepted by all. Thus the darkness of confusion will be defeated by the light. For this reason, you must live the Gospel of my Son Jesus to the letter. You must be, purely and simply, the living Gospel. Then you must proclaim to all, with strength and courage, the Gospel which you live. Your words will have the power of the Holy Spirit who will fill you and the light of the wisdom given you by your heavenly Mother…”  (168 t-v: Jan 28, 1979)

Her chosen cohort are being called to prepare this world for the great purification which awaits it

“These faithful children of mine will be called by me and formed for this great task: to prepare this world for the great purification which awaits it, so that at last a new world may be born, completely renewed by the light and the love of my Son Jesus, who will reign over all.” (25 r: Nov 1, 1973)

Our Lady has formed the MMP to enable “the Message of Fatima … to come to its Complete Fulfilment”

In these messages, I … reveal to you my plan in its silent preparation, in its painful realisation and in its victorious fulfilment. You are already about to reach the most painful and bloody conclusion of the purification which will take place in these years, before the great triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the coming to you of the glorious reign of Jesus.

This is a plan which embraces this century. In 1917 at Fatima, I anticipated it, as in a prophetic announcement, at the moment when the great struggle between the Woman Clothed with the Sun and the Red Dragon became evident, a struggle which was to last throughout the whole century, as a proud challenge to God on the part of my Adversary, who was certain that he would succeed in destroying the Church and in bringing all humanity to a universal rejection of God. The Lord has granted him this space of time, because in the end the pride of the Red Dragon will be broken and conquered by the humility, the littleness, and the power of your heavenly Mother, the Woman Clothed with the Sun, who is now gathering all her little children into her army, drawn up for battle.

Now that you are coming to the most painful and bloody years of this great struggle, I have intervened personally in order to form for myself my cohort through the Marian Movement of Priests, which is my work…” (297 g-i, Nov 9, 1984)

“I have caused (the MMP) to spring up … so that the message of Fatima, often contested and rejected by many, might in your days come to its complete fulfilment. (594 l: May 8, 1997)

Its fulfilment is necessary for you, my children, … so that you may attain salvation. Its fulfilment is necessary for the Church, so wounded and crucified, … so that from its painful and bloody trial it might emerge all beautiful, without spot or wrinkle, in imitation of its heavenly Mother. Its fulfilment is necessary for all humanity, … so that it may return to the arms of its Father and come to know the new times of its full communion of love and of life with its Lord and God. (594 m: May 8, 1997)

The MMP is Her Immaculate Heart’s gift to the Church

A gift of my Immaculate Heart is this, my Movement. It is my work alone. For eleven years I have been diffusing it in every part of the world; I call my sons, and they respond. For eleven years I have been achieving a masterpiece of love and mercy for the triumph of my Immaculate Heart. Everything that I have told you will be fulfilled to the letter. The Church will come to an ever greater realisation of how the Marian Movement of Priests is a gift of my Immaculate Heart, because with it I wish to give the Church the certainty of my perennial presence and my maternal protection. (284 n-o: Jan 28, 1984)