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The Marian Movement of Priests

“Through this Movement, I am calling all my children to consecrate themselves to my Heart, and to spread everywhere cenacles of prayer.” (473 i: May 13, 1992)

About the Bluebook

To understand the bluebook in its proper context, you are advised to carefully read the Introduction (pages xiii-xlv). It provides some background on the MMP, and its spirituality, some ‘useful advice for the reader’ (pages xli-xlv), and also a section on the ‘merits’ and on the ‘limitations’ of the bluebook.

It also comments at length on the nature of ‘interior locutions’ (xxxvi-xli). Fr Gobbi is, of course, not the only person to have ever received ‘interior locutions’; interior locutions have been received by many of the Church’s great mystics. Our Lady herself referred to the interior locutions she gave Fr Gobbi as all that I cause you to hear in your heart (49 a: June 8, 1974).

But what does Our Lady say about her book (the Bluebook)?

In my book what you should know has already been revealed. If you know how to read it, therein is my total plan, in its preparation, in its sorrowful actualisation, and in its luminous and victorious completion.

Read it, my beloved sons; meditate on it; live it! Have no doubt; I am speaking to you. Through these words I am present in it and manifest myself. Only tomorrow will you understand the importance of this maternal message of mine. (284 i-j: Jan 28, 1984)

How does She say her book should be read?

“(Read it) with the simplicity of a child who is listening to his motherHe doesn’t ask why she speaks, or how she speaks, or where her words are going to lead him. He loves her, and he listens to her. He does what she says. And then the child is happy, because he feels that in this way he is guided and illumined by his mother. Led by her and formed by her words, each day he continues to grow in life. So should it be for you.

Read it with simplicity,without minding about such problems as how I speak, why I speak, where I am speaking. My only concern is that you live everything I have told you. Then your hearts will be inflamed with love, your souls will be illumined by my light, and I will transform you interiorly to lead you to do each day what pleases the Heart of Jesus.

If you are consecrated to me, I take you just as you are, with your limitations, your defects and sins, your frailty, but then each day I transform you to bring you to be in accordance with the plan which God has entrusted to my Immaculate Heart.” (282 d-f: Jan 21, 1984)

What does Our Lady say in her book?

I trace out a simple and beautiful road, but a difficult one, oh how difficult! It is necessary to travel it, if you wish to live the consecration. I teach you how to live; I form you in a practical way to live with me.

I tell you the things which I have most on my Heart, because they are the very things which Jesus has told you in the Gospel, which today should be lived with the simplicity of little ones, with the ardour of martyrs, and with the fidelity of courageous witnesses: it should be lived to the letter!

Accordingly I am calling you to prayer, to penitence, to mortification, to the practice of virtue, to trust, to hope, to the exercise of an ever more perfect charity.” (282 h-n: Jan 21, 1984)

What guidance does She give on the various predictions in her book?

“Don’t be delayed … by the predictions I give you in the effort to make you comprehend the times in which you are living. 

Like a mother, I am telling you the dangers through which you are going, the imminent threats, the extent of the evils that could happen to you, only because these evils can yet be avoided by you, the dangers can be evaded, the plan of God’s justice always can be changed by the force of his merciful love.

Also when I predict chastisements to you, remember that everything, at any moment, may be changed by the force of your prayer and your reparative penanceDo not say therefore: ‘How much of what you predicted to us has not come true!’ Instead, give thanks with me to the Heavenly Father because … (in response to) your prayer and consecration, your suffering, and on account of the immense suffering of so many of my poor children, again He alters the period of justice, to permit … great mercy to come to flower…” (282 h-n: Jan 21, 1984)