“Through this Movement, I am calling all my children to consecrate themselves to my Heart, and to spread everywhere cenacles of prayer." (473 i: May 13, 1992)
Cenacle Format
A MMP cenacle consists of the following:
- Invocation to the Holy Spirit
- Recitation of the Holy Rosary
- Prayers for our Holy Father, the Pope.
- Reading and meditation on one of more of the messages given in the book, ” To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons.
- The Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Where circumstances permit, the cenacle may also include any of the following: Holy Mass; Benediction; Liturgy of the Hours; Silent Prayer; Holy Hour and/or Hymns.
1. Invocation To The Holy Spirit
As a time for invoking the Holy Spirit through Mary, the cenacle ought to begin with either a hymn to the Holy Spirit (such as “Come Holy Ghost”) or with the short invocation given by Our Lady herself in her messages of June 7, 1981 and June 3, 1990:
“. . . I invite you to repeat often: ‘Come Holy Spirit, come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved Spouse.” (226 k: June 7, 1981)
2. The Rosary
Since the cenacle is where we gather to pray with Mary, the recitation of the rosary, Mary’s prayer par excellence, is characteristic to all cenacles. The recitation of the rosary must always be accompanied with meditation on the mysteries.
“When you recite the rosary you invite me to pray with you and, each time, I truly join in your prayer.” (148 p: Feb 11, 1978)
3. Prayers For The Holy Father
Unity with the Pope, and the Church united to him, remains an indispensable characteristic of the MMP cenacles.
“You must support him with prayer, with your love and with your fidelity. You must follow him, carrying out to perfection whatever he determines for the good of the Church.” (162 e: Oct 17, 1978)
N.B. With the recitation of the rosary, it is customary to pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be for the Pope’s intentions. These fully satisfy the conditions for obtaining the indulgence attached to the rosary.
4. Reading and Meditation on Our Lady’s messages
Within each cenacle, a message from the Bluebook (“To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons”) is always read. Meditation on Our Lady’s messages is necessary for they trace out a simple and luminous way for us to travel in order to grow in her love and in life with her through the consecration to her Immaculate Heart.
“Read it, my beloved sons, meditate on it, live it! Have no doubt; I am speaking to you. Through these words I am present in it and manifest myself.” (284 j: Jan 28, 1984)
5. Fraternity (Fraternal Sharing)
Although some prefer to maintain an atmosphere of silence during the cenacle, it is acceptable to allot a brief time specifically for fraternal sharing so that, as Our Lady says, we can get to know each other, help each other, and love one another as brothers brought together by her (34: Jan 17, 1974). Our shared presence with Mary in an atmosphere of prayer, enables us to strengthen and encourage one another in living our consecration.
Remember, however, that Our Lady has specifically requested that the cenacles must remain pure in spirit. She wants us to respect the structure of the cenacle, and focus exclusively on her messages – and never let the cenacle digress into a discussion of other topics, apparitions, messages or devotions.
6. Act of Consecration
Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is the first commitment for belonging to Our Lady’s Movement. By this Act of Consecration we put our life into her hands, completely and without reserve, so that she may transform us into the image and likeness of her Son, Jesus.
“Make it, renew it often, and especially, my sons, live this consecration of yours!”
(86 k: Nov 9, 1975)
To following Acts of Consecration were dictated by Our Lady:
There are also alternative, shorter, Acts of Consecration available on this website for use in Cenacles of Young People or Children (see Family, Youth and Children’s Cenacles).
7. Beginning a Cenacle
No one should be hesitant in beginning a cenacle of the Marian Movement of Priests. Cenacles can be a combination of one or more of the following: Priests, Religious, Laity, Young People, Children. They may be held nationally, regionally, by diocese, in communities at large, in parishes, in religious houses or in one or more families.
They can even be held over the phone, or on ‘zoom’ or other modern communication tools, if that is the only arrangement possible. As Our Lady says:
“It is not necessary that they come together in great numbers: even two or three are enough … There is no need of organisation. Everything should be simple, spontaneous, quiet and fraternal.” (34 c,e: Jan 17, 1974).