“Through this Movement, I am calling all my children to consecrate themselves to my Heart, and to spread everywhere cenacles of prayer.”(473 i: May 13, 1992)
Our Publications
If you would like a copy of “To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons” or the “Cenacle Booklet” or any of our other publications, please fill in our Order Form below and they will be sent to you.
The bluebooks will be sent free of charge, as part of our commitment to spreading Our Lady’s messages. A donation to contribute to the cost of printing and postage would be gratefully received, however – if you can afford it – as this allows us to print and distribute more books.
The remaining publications are for sale, and the prices are indicated.
Donations can be made either: (i) by cheque made payable to the MMP and posted to PO Box 636 Castle Hill NSW 1765; OR (ii) by bank transfer to our St George account (Account name: MMP; BSB: 112879; A/c: 041489990). If donating by bank transfer, please email a copy of the bank transfer receipt to info@mmp-oceania.net OR identify yourself in the reference section of the bank transfer notice, so we know who has made the donation. Thank you.
To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons
The Bluebook (titled: “To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons”) contains 604 messages (interior locutions) which Fr. Gobbi received from Our Blessed Mother between 1973 and 1997. Approximately 1000pp.

Cenacle Booklet
A short booklet that describes how the Cenacle should be conducted, and provides copies of the key prayers for use including the acts of consecration. It is available in English and in Pigeon English. 18pp. Cost to print and post: $5.00

A Purpose/Guide to Cenacles of the Marian Movement of Priests
A ‘fuller‘ purpose/guide for Cenacles, with detailed background on need for Cenacles, suggested meditations for each decade of the rosary and a range of hymns for use. 90pp. Cost to print and post: $10.00

His Parish is the Whole World: Biography of Father Stefano Gobbi. Founder of the Marian Movement of Priests.
A biography of Fr Gobbi, the founder of the Marian Movement of Priests (MMP). After his death it was realised that few MMP members knew much about the origin of the movement, what Fr Gobbi was like as a person, his early life was like, or anything much about the key events in his life, his calling to work for Our Lady or the struggles he faced in the early years of the MMP. You won’t be able to fully appreciate the fruits of the MMP without better understanding its origins and the man chosen for the work. This book will help you do just that. 286pp. Cost to print and post: $12.00

The MMP Cenacle Hymn Book
The MMP Cenacle Hymn Book. Cost to print and post: $9.00

Prayer Cards “How to Save Your Children”
By Fr. Stefano Gobbi. (Official Translation). Free

Fr Gobbi Cards

Cenacles Explanation & Testimony
Cost to produce and post: $10.00

Order Form
(Note these publications will only be supplied in the Oceania Region)