“Through this Movement, I am calling all my children to consecrate themselves to my Heart, and to spread everywhere cenacles of prayer.” (473 i: May 13, 1992)
Family Canacles
Our Lady, the Mother and Queen of families, in her message given July 23, 1987 (“The Families Consecrated to Me”) asks that all Christian families consecrate themselves to her Immaculate Heart and, if possible, start cenacles in their homes:
“I ask that they open the doors of all their homes to me so that I may come in and take up my motherly dwelling among you.” (358 d, Jul 23, 1987)
“Above all, spread all about you family cenacles, which are desired by me as a remedy for the great evils which are today threatening the life of Christian families.” (392 f, Oct 27, 1988)
Family cenacles have the same basic structure as any M.M.P. cenacle. However, for the benefit of family members, especially the children, a portion of time may be devoted to catechism and family sharing. More than one family may join together to pray in the home.
Our Lady’s Promises To Fr. Gobbi concerning Family Cenacles
- She will help them live the sanctity of matrimony, principally to remain united and to be faithful, to live the sacramental character of the family union.
- She desires to help the children of these families. Among many young people there is the danger of losing the faith, following the path of evil, of vice, of drugs. Our Blessed Mother promises that as a mother she will be at their side to help them grow in goodness and to save them.
- She will always be near in all their spiritual as well as material needs.
- During the period of difficulties, she will protect these families, sheltering them under her mantle. For this reason, she invites families to multiply throughout the world these cenacles of prayer.
“If you all walk along the road which I have traced out for you, if you listen to and put into practice what I have said to you today, your families will be the first buds of my triumph: small, hidden, quiet buds, which are already sprouting in every part of the earth, as though to anticipate the new era and the new times which are even now at your doors.” (358 s, July 23, 1987)
Cenacles for Young People and Children
Our Lady ardently desires to gather youth of all ages under her immaculate mantle. She wants them to come together in the cenacle so that she may give them the strength to flee sin and to live the Gospel of Jesus.
“I ask that children’s cenacles be multiplied, in every part of the world, because I am calling them to a crusade of prayer and of consecration for the salvation of the world”. (418 b: Feb 2, 1990)
All youth cenacles also have the same basic structure as any other MMP cenacle. It is important that an adult be present to guide the cenacle.
Unless the children are very young, Fr. Gobbi strongly recommends the recitation of the entire five-decade rosary with a simple meditation on each mystery. Try to involve the children by having each one recite one of the Hail Mary’s.
Reading of a message
Younger children should not be expected to listen to an entire message. The adult leading the cenacle can select a couple of sentences or an entire paragraph from one of the messages in the book, followed by an explanation in simple terms that the children can understand. Children’s cenacles also have the option of incorporating a short catechetical instruction.
Act of Consecration
Fr. Gobbi recommends that Children use the same Act of Consecrations that adults use, but you can judge whether or not a shorter form of consecration would be preferable. Two suitable shorter versions are included below for use as alternatives: one for Young People (taken directly from the Bluebook) and one for use with younger Children. Each can be downloaded and printed for easy use. It would be wise to give the children a brief explanation of the consecration during each cenacle.
Prayers for the Holy Father
One Our Father, One Hail Mary, One Glory Be.
Cenacle Length
This may vary according to good judgment, however we recommend that it not be too long so the children will not become tired or bored. Videos, audios, religious games, singing, short processions with a statue of the Blessed Mother, reading about the saints, colouring religious pictures – these and other ideas you have can help to keep the children interested and, at the same time, deepen their knowledge of the faith.
“If you all walk along the road which I have traced out for you, if you listen to and put into practice what I have said to you today, your families will be the first buds of my triumph: small, hidden, quiet buds, which are already sprouting in every part of the earth, as though to anticipate the new era an d the new times which are even now at your doors.” (358 s: July 23, 1987)